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Home Products Flat rack shipping Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas


Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas
Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas

Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas

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Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas 

Product Description

Professional shipping of Flat Rack | Flat Rack to overseas

There are a lot of different container types and dimensions, with each type having it’s own specific purpose. A flat rack container is no exception, and is used for specific purposes like transportation or storage.

A flat rack container is usually for the transportation or storage of cargo with unique dimensions. Flat racks only have sides on the short side of the container, so the cargo can stick out the side of the container during transportation. Depending on the size of the cargo that needs to be shipped, you can choose a 20 feet or 40 feet container. Usually the dimensions of these two types only differ in length; the width and height are often similar. 

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